Team Member

Praveen Jha

Dr Praveen Jha


Dr. Praveen Jha, an esteemed member of the Cureboon team, serves as the Director of the platform, bringing with him a wealth of experience in the field of gastroenterology. With a DM degree in Gastroenterology and a remarkable track record spanning over 14 years, Dr. Jha possesses an in-depth understanding of the complexities and nuances associated with gastrointestinal diseases and their treatments. His expertise and insights are instrumental in shaping Cureboon's medical strategy and ensuring the delivery of exceptional care to patients.

As the Director, Dr. Jha plays a crucial role in leading the team, fostering a collaborative environment, and promoting innovation in healthcare delivery. His extensive knowledge and clinical experience allow him to guide the development of cutting-edge solutions that address the unique challenges faced by patients and healthcare providers. Dr. Jha's unwavering commitment to improving healthcare outcomes is evident in his dedication to staying abreast of the latest advancements in gastroenterology and incorporating evidence-based practices into Cureboon's offerings.

With Dr. Jha's leadership, Cureboon is well-equipped to revolutionize the way gastroenterological care is delivered and accessed. His expertise and passion for patient-centric care make him an invaluable asset to the team, driving forward the mission of Cureboon to provide enhanced and accessible healthcare solutions to patients in need.


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